Asal is a forthcoming Tamil feature film to be directed by Saran. Ajith Kumar and Sameera Reddy have been signed up to portray the film's lead roles. After a brief postponement of the project after Gautham Menon, who was intially announced as the film's director, walked out of the project citing differences with the producers, the film is currently in its production stage and has been slated to be released in October 2009. The film is being produced by Prabhu and Ramkumar Ganesan.
The film, which was due to start its first schedule during June 2008, had been built up as the final instalment in Gautham Menon’s police trilogy, following his two earlier ventures, Kaaka Kaaka and Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu; which Ajith Kumar was originally meant to be a part of. However other indications suggested that the film is the remake of the classic, Pudhiya Paravai starring Sivaji Ganesan, which Ganesan’s son, Prabhu, who is the producer for the project denied. The film earlier rumoured to be titled, Kanavugal Karpanaigal or Vaanam Kadandha Siragugal, was finalized with the title of Surangani, which was later abbreviated to Sura.[1] In January 2009, the film was reannounced by Prabhu. The story was subsequently changed and Saran was signed up as the film's director.[2] Ajith Kumar also apparently underwent an appearance change the same month, citing that it was to be used for his character in the film.
Prabhu Ganesan, also co-producer for the film under Sivaji Productions, cast himself to play an important role in the film. Whilst, Gautham Menon selected Sameera Reddy, who had portrayed the lead female role in his previous film, Vaaranam Aayiram to star opposite Ajith Kumar in the film. Sameera appears along Ajith Kumar for the first time, despite previously being entitled to appear opposite him in Citizen, which eventually went ahead without her. The other members of the cast and technical crew are being finalized.
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* Ajith's upcoming film Asal's story is written by Yugi Sethu.
* Bharathwaj is the music director for Asal.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Posted by Karthik at 4:40 AM
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